
Being a KOL AFFILIATE, Kashrut Of Latin America means that KOL has direct communication with the leaders of the Kosher Supervision and therefore, we will be able to help you, as a company, in getting certified with the affiliated Supervisions. Also we can work as a middle ground between our different affiliates and your Kosher Supervisory house.

Whether some Affiliates support us, others we support; the important thing is that we work to improve Kashrut among all our affiliates and with the help of our affiliates.

The following Affiliates are not all of the ones we have, as we have over 50, but they are some that we work with, most of them we can represent directly.

It is important to note that they are arranged according to the alphabet.

The affiliates were accommodated by country, where their head office is located, but some of them are International.


Agudaat Israel

Ajdut Kosher

Vaad HaKashrut Yaadut Hatorah



Jabad Sao Paulo


Kosher Emet

Jaabad Bogota

Lubavitch Barranquilla

Kashrut Pi Yesharim

Kashrut Colombia

Vaad Cashrut Bogota

Estados Unidos de América (U.S.A.)

Central Rabbinical Congress

Chicago Rabbinical Council

kosher Mehadrin

Kosher Supervision of America


Orthodox Union

Rabbinical Council of California

Star K

Triangle K


Badatz Eidaat HaJareidit


Jay Kosher

Kashrut Maguen David

Supervisores en Calidad Kosher