In order to define our consulting firm, it is essential to first understand what Kashrut is.  

KASHRUT, ​is everything related to Kosher. Kosher being the following: 

Kosher means fit or allowed in Hebrew, and is used to designate all foods and beverages which are fit or permitted for consumption by a Jew based on the rules set out in the Jewish religion and the books of laws written by our sages, applied to today's industry and creativity.  

Basically they are ancient laws applied to current food technology.  

As a general rule, if a product is Kosher (whether it has achieved that distinction by its origin or by the form of its manufacture), its means of transport is Kosher (both by pipe, machinery or containers of any kind) and its packaging is Kosher, the product will end up being Kosher.  

When a pre-certification audit is done, procedures, equipment, facilities, documentation and ingredients are evaluated to see that everything matches Kosher rules and standards. The other visits are follow-up to ensure that there is no change that affects the status of Kosher in the plant or to follow up on the control of the standards. 
When a pre-certification audit is done, procedures, equipment, facilities, documentation and ingredients are evaluated to see that everything matches Kosher rules and standards. The other visits are follow-up to ensure that there is no change that affects the status of Kosher in the plant or to follow up on the control of the standards. 
Although Kosher certification is based on the Torah (Old Testament Bible) and Jewish teachings, the world has accepted Kosher certification very well within its standards. 
Kosher certification guarantees consumers that the certified product complies with the regulations of the Jewish religion and therefore the laws of Kosher. 
Unlike other certifications, Kosher not only reviews the product and / or the factory once a year, but also monitors the production processes during the time that the certificate is in question and in force, including visits by the certification as often as it thinks it is necessary to ensure that the imposed agreements are complied with. 
Mostly, the products that are sent to the US, Europe and Israel, have a higher degree of demand to carry the Kosher badge, since the market is growing in demand more than any other food label on the market (Source: normas-iso.com) 

It must be remembered that the Kosher Certification does not audit the cleanliness or the damage the company produces to the field (it is not cleaning or organic) but, more than anything, it solves the questions generated by food and its preparation with respect to the laws of Kosher
The Kosher certificate can go hand in hand with other quality certificates or other religious certificates such as Halal.


According to the International Organization for Standardization Norms ( normas-iso.com), we know that the phenomenon of Kosher certification is not specifically for members of the Jewish community, based on the fact that in the US, 2% of the population is Jewish, but 40% of the population seeks to have a Kosher diet; its annual growth rate of the last decade remains around 15% and curiously the big food companies have bet on it, at least with one product, under Kosher certification.  

The greatest advantage in this certification is the clarity and veracity of the labeling of the products as the Rabbis being the inspectors who enter the companies have a code of honor, honesty and truth (which they themselves demand) and this they transmit to their consumers.  

Many people use these labels as direction in dietary restrictions they have such as milk, gluten and other restrictions (in a video I explain why Kosher From Pesach is not the same as Gluten Free, if you have any dietary restrictions for health reasons, please take extra precautions from Kashrut  and take Kashrut as a guide or a beginning point of support. We'll explain it better in a video).


If the objective of the company is to export to Europe, the United States or Israel, they do not have to doubt it, since it is a basic requirement that customers ask for and gives them a plus for their products and their sales, since in those places they are accustomed to that distinctive and unlike other distinctives,  this is valid despite the fact that it is issued in Mexico (we at KOL work with both national (national we refer to Mexican) and international (international we refer to both that they are in other countries, as well as that their fame is worldwide).  

In Mexico the Kashrut  is a subject that is very fashionable, the largest and most important companies nationwide, carry this distinction, which attracts many customers,  

Many companies justify the price a little higher than that of their competition, making few modifications to their inventory and the cost does not justify this price increase; but it's an extra that people recognize.

Today, after this collapse in the economy that began in 2020, due to the recession of job opportunities and the closure of many borders, closure of many companies and lack of job opportunities; many countries in Latin America opted for opening its borders and making international conventions to facilitate export of products produced in your country, having many resources in Latin America to be able to provide for the world; but you need a badge of quality with international validity to be able to differentiate itself and be better than your competition, as we would say in Mexico, to make your brand brighter in front of to its competitors; this badge we talk about is a Kosher badge with international validity, or local validity of the country in which the product will be sent to you, but with a price which can be solved by the local economy.  

Think of it this way, there are two products, one of them carries a distinctive seal of quality with international validity, which large companies also hold and another that does not, but the one with that seal costs one weight more than that of the competition ... which one would you choose to buy from your children? If you know that it really is a distinctive that is constantly reviewed and monitored in the company, would you trust to nurture your family with that product? would you prefer it to fuel your body? The answer is always YES, both for you and your consumers.


There are several conflicts between the different Kosher certifications of Mexico, Latin America and the world:  

Not all supervisions endorse the other certifications; the reason is that they have specific policies and specific guidelines as well, which have different interpretation of the law and different statutes.
In the same way, there are certifications that endorse other certifications, but they do not show it in public, since they do not want to feel obliged to receive the documentation between certifications.  

There are other certifications focused on a specific market group, which, despite having a higher demand certification, the group customers of that market do not recognize the logo in their requirements.  

Another challenge in having a stricter Kosher supervision than your market group needs, is that by increasing the demand on supervision, it is mistakenlythought that part of the quality of the product is sacrificed, which is not always true.   

In short, to face these previous challenges and others, this consulting and advisory firm was created, KOL is a panel of experts, who can advise you in a professional and accurate way, what your company needs with respect to Kosher certification.  

Likewise, they can advise them on how you can save a lot of money (It could be thousands of dollars) if you plan to hire more than one Kosher certification, since we know which Kosher certification recognizes which Kosher certification.  

Another of our services is to be a neutral point between Kosher certifying houses, so that the products of your company are endorsed by another certifying company (which does not endorse your products as Kosher but has customers of that Kosher certification), without being able to risk your current Kosher certification (it can only be applied when your product enters the requirements of the other Kosher certifying house).  

Those and other services, we can offer you solutions to the point so that you do not spend your money on problems, better invest it in corporate and market strategies.  

In conclusion, it is better to work with intelligence and not with strength; sometimes a little more planning and structuring is all it takes to save a lot of money on setbacks.